SGI Hot Mix 17
Hot Mix 17.iso
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334 lines
; $Id: cw_pdmenu.pro,v 1.16 1997/01/29 22:44:21 lubos Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1992-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; CW_PDMENU is a compound widget that simplifies creating
; pulldown menus. It has a simpler interface than the XPDMENU
; procedure, which it is intended to replace. Events for the
; individual buttons are handled transparently, and a CW_PDMENU
; event returned. This event can return any one of the following:
; - The Index of the button within the base.
; - The widget ID of the button.
; - The name of the button.
; - The fully qualified name of the button. This allows
; different sub-menus to contain buttons with the same
; name in an unambiguous way.
; Compound widgets.
; widget = CW_PDMENU(Parent, Desc)
; Parent: The ID of the parent widget.
; Desc: An array of strings or structures. Each element contains
; a menu description with two fields, a flag field, and
; the name of the item. If a structure, each element
; is defined as follows:
; { CW_PDMENU_S, flags:0, name:'' }
; The name tag gives the name of button. The flags
; field is a two-bit bitmask that controls how the button is
; interpreted:
; Value Meaning
; -------------------------------------------
; 0 This button is neither the beginning
; nor the end of a pulldown level.
; 1 This button is the root of a
; sub-pulldown menu. The sub-buttons
; start with the next button.
; 2 This button is the last button at the
; current pulldown level. The next button
; belongs to the same level as the current
; parent button.
; If none or empty string is specified as a
; the name, the button is not created, but
; the next button belongs to the upward level.
; 3 This button is the root of a sub-pulldown
; menu, but it is also the last entry of
; the current level.
; If Desc is a string, each element contains the flag field
; followed by a backslash character, followed by the menu item's
; contents. See the example below.
; EVENT PROCEDURES: An event procedure may be specified for an
; element and all its children, by including a third field
; in Desc, if Desc is a string array. Events for buttons without
; an event procedure, are dispatched normally.
; See the example below.
; DELIMITER: The character used to separate the parts of a
; fully qualified name in returned events. The
; default is to use the '.' character.
; FONT: The name of the font to be used for the button
; titles. If this keyword is not specified, the
; default font is used.
; HELP: If MBAR is specified and one of the buttons on the
; menubar has the label "help" (case insensitive) then
; that button is created with the /HELP keyword to
; give it any special appearance it is supposed to
; have on a menubar. For example, Motif expects
; help buttons to be on the right.
; IDS: A named variable into which the button IDs will
; be stored as a longword vector.
; MBAR: if constructing a menu-bar pulldown, set this
; keyword. In this case, the parent must be the
; widget id of the menu bar of a top-level base,
; returned by WIDGET_BASE(..., MBAR=mbar).
; RETURN_ID: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned
; events will be the widget ID of the button.
; RETURN_INDEX: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned
; events will be the zero-based index of the button
; within the base. THIS IS THE DEFAULT.
; RETURN_NAME: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned
; events will be the name of the selected button.
; RETURN_FULL_NAME: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned
; events will be the fully qualified name of the
; selected button. This means that the names of all
; the buttons from the topmost button of the pulldown
; menu to the selected one are concatenated with the
; delimiter specified by the DELIMITER keyword. For
; example, if the top button was named COLORS, the
; second level button was named BLUE, and the selected
; button was named LIGHT, the returned value would be
; This allows different submenus to have buttons with
; the same name (e.g. COLORS.RED.LIGHT).
; UVALUE: The user value to be associated with the widget.
; XOFFSET: The X offset of the widget relative to its parent.
; YOFFSET: The Y offset of the widget relative to its parent.
; The ID of the top level button is returned.
; This widget generates event structures with the following definition:
; event = { ID:0L, TOP:0L, HANDLER:0L, VALUE:0 }
; VALUE is either the INDEX, ID, NAME, or FULL_NAME of the button,
; depending on how the widget was created.
; Only buttons with textual names are handled by this widget.
; Bitmaps are not understood.
; The following is the description of a menu bar with two buttons,
; "Colors" and "Quit". Colors is a pulldown containing the colors
; "Red", "Green", Blue", "Cyan", and "Magenta". Blue is a sub-pulldown
; containing "Light", "Medium", "Dark", "Navy", and "Royal":
; ; Make sure CW_PDMENU_S is defined
; junk = { CW_PDMENU_S, flags:0, name:'' }
; ; The description
; desc = [ { CW_PDMENU_S, 1, 'Colors' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Red' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Green' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 1, 'Blue\BLUE_EVENT_PROC' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Light' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Medium' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Dark' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Navy' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 2, 'Royal' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Cyan' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 2, 'Magenta\MAGENTA_EVENT_PROC' }, $
; { CW_PDMENU_S, 2, 'Quit' } ]
; The same menu may be defined as a string by equating the Desc parameter
; to the following string array:
; desc =[ '1\Colors' , $
; '0\Red' , $
; '0\Green' , $
; '1\Blue\BLUE_EVENT_PROC' , $
; '0\Light' , $
; '0\Medium' , $
; '0\Dark' , $
; '0\Navy' , $
; '2\Royal' , $
; '0\Cyan' , $
; '2\Magenta\MAGENTA_EVENT_PROC' , $
; '2\Quit' ]
; The following small program can be used with the above description
; to create the specified menu:
; base = widget_base()
; menu = cw_pdmenu(base, desc, /RETURN_FULL_NAME)
; repeat begin
; ev = WIDGET_EVENT(base)
; print, ev.value
; end until ev.value eq 'Quit'
; end
; Note that independent event procedures were specified for
; the multiple Blue buttons (blue_event_proc), and the Magenta button
; (magenta_event_proc).
; 18 June 1992, AB
; 16 Jan 1995, DMS, Added MBAR keyword, event procedures,
; and menu descriptor strings.
; 2 July 1995, AB, Added HELP keyword.
; 3 September 1996, LP, Added button-less end of current level
function CW_PDMENU_EVENT, ev
WIDGET_CONTROL, ev.id, get_uvalue=uvalue
return, { ID:ev.handler, TOP:ev.top, HANDLER:0L, value:uvalue }
pro CW_PDMENU_BUILD, parent, desc, cur, n, ev_type, full_qual_str, $
delim, ids, mbars, HELP_KW, FONT=font
; Recursive routine that builds the pulldown hierarchy described in DESC.
; Returns the ID of each button in ids.
is_string = size(desc)
is_string = is_string[is_string[0]+1] eq 7
while (cur lt n) do begin
if is_string then begin
; String version of DESC structure
a = str_sep(desc[cur], '\')
dflags = fix(strtrim(a[0],2))
; End of the level, and no button
if dflags EQ 2 AND N_ELEMENTS(a) LT 2 then begin
ids[cur] = 0
cur = cur + 1
dname = a[1]
endif else begin
; Structure version of DESC structure
dflags = desc[cur].flags
dname = desc[cur].name
; End of the level, and no button
if dflags EQ 2 AND dname EQ '' then begin
ids[cur] = 0
cur = cur + 1
a = ['', str_sep(dname, '\')]
dname = a[1]
if (strlen(full_qual_str) ne 0) then $
new_qstr = full_qual_str + delim + dname $
else new_qstr = dname
;If parented to a menu bar, don't draw a frame.
if (dflags and 1) then menu=2-mbars else menu = 0
; Build string with approriate keywords and execute it
strExecute = 'new = WIDGET_BUTTON(parent, value=dname, MENU=menu'
if ((mbars ne 0) and (HELP_KW ne 0) $
and (strupcase(dname) eq 'HELP')) then $
strExecute = strExecute + ', /HELP'
if (keyword_set(font)) then strExecute = strExecute + ', FONT=font'
strExecute = strExecute + ')'
status = EXECUTE(strExecute)
; Set requested Return value
case ev_type of
0: uvalue = cur
1: uvalue = new
2: uvalue = dname
3: uvalue = new_qstr
; Register event procedure
if n_elements(a) ge 3 then WIDGET_CONTROL, new, EVENT_PRO=strtrim(a[2],2)
ids[cur] = new
cur = cur + 1
; Pullright menu button, start new level
if (dflags and 1) then $
new_qstr,delim,ids,mbars, 0,FONT=font
; End of the current level
if ((dflags and 2) ne 0) then return
function CW_PDMENU, parent, desc, COLUMN=column, DELIMITER=delim, FONT=font, $
IDS=ids, MBAR=mbar, HELP=HELP_KW, $
RETURN_ID=r_id, RETURN_INDEX=ignore, RETURN_NAME=r_name, $
RETURN_FULL_NAME=r_full_name, $
UVALUE=uvalue, XOFFSET=xoffset, YOFFSET=yoffset
IF (N_PARAMS() ne 2) THEN MESSAGE, 'Incorrect number of arguments'
ON_ERROR, 2 ;return to caller
; Set default values for the keywords
If KEYWORD_SET(column) then row = 0 else begin row = 1 & column = 0 & end
IF (N_ELEMENTS(delim) eq 0) then delim = '.'
IF (N_ELEMENTS(uvalue) eq 0) then uvalue = 0
IF (N_ELEMENTS(xoffset) eq 0) then xoffset=0
IF (N_ELEMENTS(yoffset) eq 0) then yoffset=0
; How to interpret ev_type:
; 0 - Return index
; 1 - Return ID
; 2 - Return name
; 3 - Return fully qualified name.
ev_type = 0
if (keyword_set(r_id)) then ev_type = 1
if (keyword_set(r_name)) then ev_type = 2
if (keyword_set(r_full_name)) then ev_type = 3
n = n_elements(desc)
ids = lonarr(n)
mbars = KEYWORD_SET(mbar)
if mbars then BEGIN
base = parent
if (keyword_set(uvalue)) then WIDGET_CONTROL, base, SET_UVALUE=uvalue
base = widget_base(parent, COLUMN=column, $
ROW=row, UVALUE=uvalue, XOFFSET=xoffset, YOFFSET=yoffset)
CW_PDMENU_BUILD, base, desc, 0, n, ev_type, '', delim, ids, mbars, help_kw, $
return, base